Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Let The Church Say 'Amen' - Part 2

Let The Church Say 'Amen': Part 2

I have friends that come and tell me they go to church, or at least they try to. They find it hard because every time they go they don’t feel a connection. They don’t have this eye-opening Sunday experience and this is the exact reason that I am writing this. I remember having to explain to someone what church was like before their first time going and it broke my heart simply because, Gods relationship is never as difficult.
There are tons of churches in the world, just like there are tons of buildings. When you go for a job interview and you have NO idea about the employer, it’s definitely harder to do well when they’re talking to you about the job at hand. You can fake it for awhile and smile but realistically you know nothing that’s going on and you just hope all goes well so you can get out of there. It’s like walking into a blind spot but you know you’re supposed to be there because… it’s a job.
That’s very similar when it comes to going to church and not having a relationship with Christ. You sit and listen to people go on and on about a man you really don’t know much about. But you know you’re supposed to be there because, after all…it’s church. This is why God doesn’t seek your Sunday attendance. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to know Him so that situations in your life will make more sense. No one said life would simply be easier. However, just like that job interview, when you went in and knew nothing it may have been overwhelming. God doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed with the life He has given you. He wants to guide you through but He can’t do that unless you seek Him first. You can go to church 20 times a week but you won’t feel a connection because you’re not connected. And quite frankly, you don’t get connected through the action of going to church. The decision you make when you allow God into your heart connects you.
When you enter into a friendship with somebody you don’t just greet him or her for the first time and let them follow you around until you need them. Now correct me if I’m wrong, maybe you do but that’s odd, and quite frankly not very appreciative. They aren’t there just to be used at your beckon call. You call them friend because of a divine connection. God calls us His friend [John 15:15], which means He doesn’t just want to be a fly on the wall of our lives. He doesn’t want you to only recognize Him on Sundays and confuse Him for a genie when we need Him. He wants to be involved!
He wants you to talk to Him about your problems so He can walk you through them. He wants you to tell Him your needs because He wants to meet them [Philippians 4:19]. He wants you on your happiest day to be reminded that He loves you. He wants this with you everyday, not just the day the world makes you believe He cares.

The purpose of church was designed for the fellowship. A way of friendly associating, especially with people who share the same interest. What I want everyone to understand is that this fellowship with others should be a time of encouragement and strength as you gather together with people who love God. Let me be clear, that God’s love for you is beyond a church experience. His love is unconditional and more powerful than one can comprehend. Therefore, don’t beat yourself up if you miss a week of church or if you never attended at all. God is not mad at you, He does not look down on you for it, and most important His arms are always welcoming of you. Always.

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