Friday, September 15, 2017

Created By God vs. Child Of God

Created By God vs. Child Of God

This truly might be one of the most important subjects that I’ve ever written about. I have somewhat touched on it through other blogs, however not in detail. It almost makes me nervous because I don’t want to under explain or overcomplicate it. However, I am just going to speak as I’m led and believe who it’s meant for, will receive it.

Often people claim the title of being a “Child of God” without realizing the importance or the actual value it holds. Everyone was created BY God, however not everyone is a child OF God. If you have not yet chosen Him to be your Heavenly Father, how can you claim to be His child?

Many children are born in this world and in some cases are not claimed, leading into certain situations called adoption. The definition of adoption is the legal process of becoming a non-biological parent or the act of taking something on as your own. When God created you, He chose for you to be His own. That is a fact whether you love him, hate Him, or don’t believe in Him at all. He knows every single hair on your head and the unique design of each one of your fingerprints, because He took the time to create it. Our Heavenly Father never intended for us to be enslaved to Him. Therefore, when creating us, He also gave us the ability to have free will, meaning we make our own choices. This means that the decision of becoming His child is 100% up to us.

Now in the natural, when it comes to this world you have certain privileges in being the parent of guardian of a child. When it comes to their banking, healthcare, or other similar legalities, they need you for access to these things [until a certain age]. Without the authority of that parent or guardian, their access is limited. When it comes to being a child of God, it is very similar in the sense that our access without Him is limited.  

In the natural, we also inherit certain things from our parents whether it be characteristics, finance, or even material things that hold a precious value. When we accept Jesus (the Son of God) as our Lord & Savior, we are spiritually re-created or born-again. At that moment, we become joint heirs with Jesus and become a child of God (not just His creation). We become part of God’s family allowing us to receive His inheritance. We not only inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, we also inherit the gift of the Holy Spirit & the privilege of a victorious life.

There are numerous scriptures on our inheritance in Christ (Deuteronomy 28, Job 22, Psalm 84:11, Ephesians 1:11, Ephesians 1:13, Colossians 3:24, John 17:11, & many more). Even if you research, “my inheritance in Christ”, take time to study who you are in Him. It’s the most encouraging homework you’ll ever have!

God’s Word is full of promises that are released to you once you choose the master you would like to serve. In reality, if you chose to serve the master of darkness, why should God unleash His promises to you? Why would you receive His inheritance? He does not withhold them as a form of punishment because it is not in His nature to punish His creation. However, you simply don’t receive the same promises as His children, because you did not sign up for them.

Being a child of God is referred to as being “Born-Again”. This, meaning you are first born into this world through flesh and when you chose to be a child of God, you are reborn through spirit. Your spirit is now made brand new, giving God the access to release those promises to you.
Often times people get frustrated with God because they only talk to Him when they need Him and don’t feel as though they get a response. When you don’t build a relationship with someone or talk to them often, it’s difficult to comprehend their presence. When a baby is born they have a certain comfort with their mother because they’ve heard their mothers voice every day for 9 months. When you begin to talk to God every day, you will begin to recognize when He talks back. For those who feel it’s unfair that they don’t hear from God, flip that and think of how unfair it is when He doesn’t hear from you.

In all of this, you might be asking the most important question:
How Do You Become A Child of [adopted by] God?

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved [born-again]. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10 (NIV)

That’s it! If you would like to help with this, simply repeat this prayer aloud:

 “God, I want to know You. I want You to come into my life. Thank You for sending Your only Son to die on cross for my sins, so that I could be fully accepted by You. Only You can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with you. I give my life to You, please do with it as you wish. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Welcome to the Family!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

We Have Not Forgotten You!

Hey there BOSS! 

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for downloading & sharing the BOSS Ministries app. The more we dive into our relationship with God and ‘Birth Our Savior's Sacrifice’ to others, the more it makes God smile. :)

I wanted to write this in hopes to let everyone know & understand that I have not forgotten about you or this ministry. We are working on an UPDATE with a new logo, new look and even more content. We have been laying low because of all of the time it takes for these new changes. However, I apologize for the delays. As you all know, we operate in God’s timing and not in our own.

During this time of improvements, I’d also like to hear your feedback so I can make proper adjustments for our downloader’s. I have had a few of you ask if the music can be turned off from automatically playing when the app launches and that has been adjusted.

This is a ministry, yes, but this is also a community. I don’t want you to think that I’m unreachable, or even that I want to be. Please send all of your feedback and/or prayer requests to: